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Key Benefits of Operating a Global Business Company in Mauritius

In an increasingly interconnected global economy, businesses are continually seeking ways to expand and optimize their operations. For many, the option of establishing a global business company in Mauritius (GBC) has become an attractive choice. This blog delves into the key benefits of operating a GBC in Mauritius.

1. Strategic Location

Mauritius’ strategic geographical location makes it an ideal hub for businesses aiming to access markets in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Situated in the Indian Ocean, the island provides a central point for international trade and investment.

2. Attractive Tax Regime

Mauritius offers a favourable tax regime for GBCs, including exemptions on capital gains tax and withholding tax. The country has signed double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) with numerous countries, further enhancing its appeal as a tax-efficient destination for global business.

3. Skilled Workforce

The island nation has a well-educated and multilingual workforce, making it easier for global businesses to find and hire talent with diverse skill sets. The workforce is proficient in English and French, which are widely used in international business.

4. Access to Investment Treaties

Mauritius has an extensive network of investment promotion and protection agreements (IPPAs). These agreements provide legal safeguards for investments and help protect the interests of global businesses operating in the country.

5. Ease of Doing Business

Mauritius is known for its ease of doing business. The government has implemented various reforms to streamline administrative processes, reduce bureaucracy, and simplify company registration procedures.

6. Financial Services Hub

The island has developed a robust financial services sector, including banking, insurance, and fund management. This infrastructure supports global businesses in their financial and investment activities.

7. Modern Infrastructure

Mauritius offers modern infrastructure and connectivity, including a well-maintained road network, ports, and an international airport. These facilitate the movement of goods and people, making business operations efficient.

8. Investment Promotion Agencies

Mauritius has dedicated agencies, such as the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Financial Services Promotion Agency (FSPA), that actively promote investment and provide support to global business companies.


The benefits of operating a global business company in Mauritius are substantial. From its strategic location and attractive tax regime to political stability, a skilled workforce, and a friendly business environment, Mauritius offers a wealth of advantages for businesses looking to expand their global footprint. As a result, Mauritius continues to be a preferred destination for global business expansion and investment.