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Sell More Cookie Gifts With Proper Planning

Everyone loves cookie gifts, simple but yet so lovely. It is one of the best gift ideas when you’re frantically searching for a last minute present or even a token of appreciation.

A cookie gift can be a perfect gift for that special someone, a colleague, employer, employee, brother, sister, acquaintance, and most especially kids.

All these points to one major thing; you can make ground breaking sales by just selling cookie gifts!

Strategies you can use to sell more cookie gifts

The market is saturated with all sorts of cookie gifts, and people are quite picky. The competition to make more sales is fierce, however, you can break through and sell more by applying these simple strategies.

Strategy 1: Make a Special offer.

This is a long proven strategy for making extra sales, this is because people tend to buy more when they feel a pressing sense of urgency. Your special offer should feature the following:

  • Discounted price for all cookie gifts especially during festive seasons when the holidays are at it’s peak.
  • Joint promotion with a complementary business: This will hasten your chances of having grand sales. For instance, you could collaborate with a local gift shop.
  • Free gift for every referral

Strategy 2: Packaging

Packaging your cookie gift is just as important as the cookie gift itself. Unique packaging can increase its attractiveness and the willingness of the customer to buy cookies from you.

 Looking at a package for the first time can make a customer instantly form an opinion of what they expect based on what they see. It also helps create brand identity, that way you ensure that your customers are able to easily identify your cookie gifts and buy from you.

 In addition to these, packaging creates an impression in the mind of the customer, from the gift box to the design and to the color.

So before delivering those cookie gifts, wrap them up attractively and watch your sales shoot up.

Strategy 3: Make a variety of cookie Flavors 

This is to enable you to meet the different needs of your customer. Give them a range of varieties to choose from each time.

You could as well create special gift packs for couples, friends, and colleagues.


Cookies gifts sell well, but to retain the market, yours need to be unique, just then will you keep selling.

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