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The Essential Guide to HSG282 Compliant Hot Tubs: What You Need to Know

Hot tubs have become increasingly popular over the years and are now a common sight in hotels, spas, and even homes. However, like any water-related facility, there are certain regulations to follow to ensure the safety and health of users. HSG282 is one such compliance standard that is specific to hot tubs. Here, we will cover everything you need to know about HSG282 compliant hot tubs and how to ensure your hot tub is compliant.

What is HSG282?

HSG282 is a compliance standard specific to tubs and was published by the Health and Safety Executive in the UK. The guidance sets out the requirements for controlling the risk of exposure to bacteria in these tubs, which can cause Legionnaires’ disease.

Hot Tub Requirements

The following are the basic requirements for a tub to be HSG282 compliant:


There should be no dead legs or pockets where water can become trapped and form a breeding ground for Legionella bacteria. The water circulation system should be capable of delivering the required turnover rate, which is a minimum of twice per hour.


The filter should be easily accessible and capable of removing bacteria, algae, and other impurities from the water. The tub should also have a drain valve and a vacuum breaker to prevent contamination of the water supply.

Water Treatment

This can be achieved by using chlorine or bromine, UV or ozone treatment, or a combination of these methods. The water should be tested regularly to ensure that the correct chemical levels are maintained.


This includes cleaning the filter and the tub surfaces, checking the chemical levels, and ensuring that the water turnover rate is met. Any defects or issues should be reported and resolved promptly.

Risk Assessments

This involves identifying the potential sources of Legionella bacteria and assessing the level of risk. The risk assessment should be carried out by a competent person and should be reviewed regularly.


Finally, all staff who work with or operate the tub should be trained on the risks associated with Legionella bacteria and how to maintain HSG282. This includes training on water treatment, maintenance, and risk assessments.


HSG282 compliance is essential for all hot tub operators who want to ensure the health and safety of their customers. If you are a tub owner or operator, it is your responsibility to ensure that your HSG282 compliant hot tubs meet standards. By investing in the necessary equipment, training, and maintenance, you can provide a safe and enjoyable experience for your customers.